How about some paleo Christmas cookies as a reaction to all the Christmas menu madness?
They are vegan which means no dairy or lactose and on top of that they are paleo so gluten free. A must try.
I have prepared these cookies last week and we’ve had them for breakfast and as a late night snack. They are so easy to prepare and don’t fear the texture, it is quite easy to work with the dough.
For your ingredients I suggest a trip to Albert Heijn, they have the almond and hazelnut flour, chia seed and other ingredients you need. I guess you can find most of in in regular supermarkets nowadays but you might be grinding nuts to prepare your own flour instead of buying it ready to use. Up to you.
As you can see on the picture we have been busy making a gingerbread Hansel & Gretel house last weekend. Such a joy to make with the kids. Messy business but they loved it and I think our nephew will be thrilled this weekend when he gets this gift at the family Christmas Rehearsal Dinner. Don’t you?
I bought the walls and roof at Ikea. You just need to add lots of icing sugar and candy. The dream of every child.
Now back to my paleo cookies….
I made them in Christmas trees but you can as well make smaller cookies, stars, gingerbread men or even easter bunnies at Easter.
The secret lies in resting your dough for 30 minutes before rolling it.
Check your cookies because they take a while but then they can burn in a second. When you are patient enough to let the cookies cool down you’ll get the best result: crisp on the outside and a bit tender on the inside.
- 130 gr hazelnut flour
- 130 gr almond flour
- 120 ml filtered water (I always use a Brita filter to filter my water)
- 120 ml maple syrup
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 2 tbsp honey
- 220 gr buckwheat or rice flour
- 4 tbsp pumpkins spices or ginger/cinnamon
- Preheat your oven to 180°C.
- Mix all the ingredients together until you have a firm dough. Don't kneed it for too long. Wrap the dough in plastic foil and let it rest for 30 minutes in the fridge.
- Start by dusting your counter top with some more rice of buckwheat flour and roll out the dough until it is thin (about ½ cm).
- Cover a baking tray with oil or a baking sheet and then start by cutting out your cookies. Make sure they all have more or less the same size.
- Bake them in the oven for 15 t- 18 minutes if you make big cookies like I did and about 8 to 10 minutes for smaller cookies. Watch out the sides get easily burnt!
- Let the cookies cool down completely on a cooling rack and then store them in an airtight container until use.
- Enjoy!