I haven’t been following the Dagen Zonder Vlees Challenge very well this year but as I say all the time I have less meat. One of the recipes I have tried out is this Sweet Potato Lasagna. It is one of the recipes from the A. Vogel Lenteweek that starts next week and I really…
Quiche & Bubbles – an all veggie night
For my birthday this year I organized a girls night with bubbles and quiche. Main ingredient: friends! Other ingredients: bubbles & good food Shake and stir these ingredients together on a hot summer night and the result is an unforgettable night where old friends met new friends. Since it was a really hot day it…
Yakitori glazed veal and leek burger
As I told you last Sunday we had this great burger filled with leeks for lunch. At first the children were a little hesitant because the burger was much more tender and juicy then the burgers the have at Ellis Burger, but with a little persuasion to take the first three bites…all burgers were gone…
Dagen Zonder Vlees – first week at a glance
This week was my first week of the “Dagen zonder Vlees” challenge. A lent challenge where you eat less meat and more fish and veggies. This first week was great start. Sunday I prepared a cauliflower veggie stew that we ate once for lunch and once for dinner this week. Monday we had a great…