Wednesdays or weekend are great times to start cooking in with my kids. With Halloween approaching we are carving out pumpkins and trying out new cupcake recipes with the rest of the pumpkin meat. No waste policy here. The carving part is not so easy but after a while I kind of got the…
Pink Cupcakes
When we were in New York last year we had these great gluten free cupcakes, the best! In Belgium it is very hard to find. So I started to experiment and prepared these pinkies. My kids never really liked my first gluten free cakes but since I have come up with the perfect cookie and…
Frozen cashew chocolate bars
These bars are sooooo gooood – really I can’t shut up about it. Why haven’t I tried this before? I always had a problem with the usage of dried fruits in granola bars. I just don’t like dried fruits such as raisins (why o why do they always put raisins in granola), dates, prunes, and…
Gingerbread cookies
These cookies are really yummie: crusty on the outside and a little soft on the inside. When I made them at Christmas everybody just loved them, especially my little girl who organized a whole tea party for her dolls and stuffed animals. The fun thing is that you can make every kind of form: Christmas…
Oatmeal Cookies
These cookies were a great hit at my farewell party in the office a couple of weeks ago and I thought with the holidays coming up it would be a nice recipe to share. For that party I prepared some of my classics like a chocolate cake – same recipe as the cake (this one not…
Cake…I think we have all tried to bake a nice cake and every family has its favorite recipe and some special memories… Cake means cosy, means comfort, means fun and love no? My first memories of cake or from my granny Titi who came over with this nicebundt cake sprinkled with sugar….In the middle she…