A little overview of 2015 is in order with the new year lurking around the corner.
For Must Be Yummie 2015 was an excellent year culinary and travel wise.
Blog Awards
I would like to start this post by thanking you all for the support you have given me this past year and for nominating me for the Knack Weekend Blog & Digital Awards. Being nominated by you all two times in a row really means a lot to me.
Bloggers & events
This past year I have had the pleasure to meet a lot of great fellow bloggers and get to know some of them a little bit better. It is always nice catching up with each other during blog events.
Dining out
I had the opportunity to eat out at some extra ordinary restaurants such as :
The best dinners were however at Bùn. I had such a great time there this year first a delicious birthday dinner with friends, then a cozy dinner with my girlfriends hosted by Bùn and San Pellegrino and then some lunches. I just can’t get enough of their corn on the cobb.
I discovered a great hotel in Tenerife with like the best Japanese restaurant ever! I had a blast when my son visited Paris for the first time so nice to see the city through the little ones eyes. I hope we can visit this beautiful city again soon in all its grandeur. And then there was the great post of Sofie on Vancouver. This destination is in my top 5 for next travels, wow! Thanks again Sofie.

As far as my cooking is concerned I have been trying to offer you a nice blend of healthy sweets and treats and easy recipes. What was your favorite?
There are some nice collabs going on right now. I am a Quaker Ambassador and a I write articles for 15gram a new cooking site. So far so good.
Oh yes and then there was my ‘I felt like a teenager’ again moment in Amsterdam. How could I forget to mention that?
- So far 2016 is looking very good too!
Do you want a sneak peak?
For our 10th wedding anniversary we are escaping for 3 days to London, culinary bliss (or so I hope).
We are taking the kids skiing for the first time and this summer we are finally going to the number one destination on my wish list. Soon I will tell you more.
I have some posts ahead for you about Duke Of Berkshire (like the best pork meat ever!), cooking with filtered water and some recipes prepared with the Cuisinart Plancha – keep on checking the blog regularly and you will find out all about it.
For now I just want to wish you a very Happy New Year. May you be blessed with health, success, peace and above all happiness in 2016. May all your wishes (or most of them) come true.
For myself I wish some more balance…balance between working, blogging and my family. We’ll see how we’ll get there….